Spring2ACTion is April 26th!

It has been wonderful to return to a more “normal” school year, but the COVID pandemic continues to impact our school, teachers, and students. There are still learning and maturity losses that our GWMS teachers and staff respond to daily.  The teachers and staff are exhausted from a stressful three years and the PTA has been working to alleviate the stress with meals, treats, and supplies. The GWMS PTA is focusing our Spring2Action fundraiserwith a goal of $11,800, to bring some light and joy to the teachers, staff, and students in 2 ways:

Recognize our wonderful staff who are doing an amazing job during this time. Teachers and staff are still performing additional duties and dedicating longer work hours and the PTA is committed to showing our gratitude with multiple staff and teacher appreciation events throughout the year. Contributions through Spring2ACTion will fund our Teacher Appreciation Week, May 8th to 12th.  We need $3,200 to give our teachers and staff the week they deserve.  Plans are underway for a special delivery every day that week.  Let’s make it happen!

Support our children’s social and emotional health with grade-level socials and the 8th grade promotion events. Especially now, our kids need activities to improve their social and emotional health. The end-of-year socials are wonderful opportunities for our kids to celebrate the end of the school year in a SAFE and FUN environment. Our 8th graders did not have promotion events at the end of their 5th grade year due to COVID. To say they are ready for an awesome promotion week is an understatement! The PTA is excited to sponsor these events, but we need $8,600 to do so!


And don’t forget about our music programs!  The GW Orchestra, Chorus, and Band Boosters are also raising funds through Spring2ACTion:

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